Archaeologists face CSCS card changes
Non-core construction roles are no longer eligible for CSCS cards
Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) will no longer accept applications for archaeological qualifications from 1 May 2024.
CSCS cards can only be issued for core construction occupations, not those attending site to perform a non-construction occupation.
This guidance is in line with Construction Leadership Council (CLC) regulations, which state that card schemes carrying the CSCS logo must only certify those occupations with nationally recognised construction qualifications.
Archaeologists already holding cards, including those wishing to renew, can apply for a card up until 30 April 2024, which will remain valid for the life of the card.
Responsible site managers
Despite the changes, archaeologists will be allowed access to site to carry out archaeological work without a CSCS card.
It remains the responsibility of site managers to induct non-construction workers and those on short-term work experience before escorting them where appropriate.
Site induction and access will continue as normal for archaeologists working on construction sites, who should not experience any changes to the way they conduct their work.
Individuals who are refused access by a site insisting on a 100% carded workforce are encouraged to report the details of the site directly to CSCS.
Fully qualified workforce
“Rigid enforcement of a 100% carded workforce results in legitimate, non-construction workers being refused entry to site as they do not hold a card,” explained Alan O’Neile, CSCS head of communications.
“This indicates a misunderstanding of the scheme and undermines the construction industry’s desire for a fully qualified workforce.
“If a worker is there to carry out a construction activity then a relevant card should be required as proof of their training and qualifications. If they are there to perform a non-construction activity, such as archaeological investigation, it then becomes the responsibility of site managers to ensure appropriate induction takes place.”
If an archaeologist is engaging in a construction activity such as driving construction plant or timbering excavations, they should demonstrate their skills and knowledge of these construction activities.
Details of all occupations that do not require a CSCS card can be found here: CSCS.uk.com/NonConstructionOccupations.
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The CSCS card scheme is a mess serving no purpose but to “clean hands with” at this point.
It should either be made compulsory for all construction workers or tied up to the Employers and Self-Empoyed Liability Insurances.