Wellbeing portal launched to support workforce mental health
The Make It Visible Taskforce’s new welfare and wellbeing portal is free for construction workers to access
A new hub has been launched to help reduce suicide and improve welfare and wellbeing in the construction industry.
The Make It Visible Portal provides access to information, advice and guidance and is a pathway to free support.
The portal – based on research and development carried out by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity – features sections on emotional, physical and financial wellbeing.
A map of drop-in self-help groups, called Lighthouse Beacons, is included for those working away from home who want to find other people to speak to.
Also featured are videos of construction workers talking about their experiences with issues such as stress, anger and anxiety.
The website is curated and managed by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. It forms part of the Make It Visible initiative that brings contractors, clients and professional bodies together to try to tackle the industry’s poor record on worker welfare and wellbeing, with an emphasis on mental health.
Suicide prevention
Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows that people working in construction are three times more likely to take their own lives than those in other industries. Every working day, two construction workers are lost to suicide in the UK and Ireland.
The site, which has been developed with funding from the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), also includes emergency numbers for those in need to contact for 24-hour help.
Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity CEO Bill Hill said: “This portal is for everyone in our industry to use, especially those in the trades and agency workers who often have nowhere to turn for help in a crisis.
“It’s been created by the industry, funded by the industry, for all the workforce and their families working in our industry.”
Hill added: “Every physical safety measure is taken to protect our workers, but whilst we’ve been shouting safety, we’ve been whispering health.
“If you’re not on top of your game and you’re struggling emotionally, physically or financially, makeitvisible.info will give you instant access to information, advice and guidance and a pathway to free support.”
Visit the portal at www.MakeItVisible.info.
Mental health support and advice for CIOB members, past members and related family is available through CIOB Assist. CIOB, in partnership with Anxiety UK, also provides wellbeing support.
For additional support or advice, contact the Samaritans by calling 116 123. You can also access support via the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity by calling the support line on 0345 605 1956 or texting HARDHAT to 85258.