#PPEthatfits is ‘more than a gender issue’, says CIOB president
The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and the British Standards Institute (BSI) have joined forces to help address inequalities in the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE)
While significant anecdotal evidence highlighted the detrimental impact of inadequate PPE, attendees also showcased examples of best practice.
The virtual event saw attendees discuss the importance of creating a cross-sector guidance document to support the provision of inclusive PPE.
CIOB and BSI will continue driving the initiative forward by setting out a detailed scope for the proposed document.
Collaboration is key
Commenting on the initiative, Sandi Rhys Jones, CIOB president, said: “It is important to collaborate on important issues that affect so many people in so many different roles. On behalf of the CIOB, I would like to thank BSI for helping to bring this issue to the fore.
“Unfortunately, we have been speaking about ill-fitting PPE for far too long in the built environment sector. Construction is demanding, it is tough, but it is also an essential industry providing the homes, buildings and infrastructure needed across society.
“We have traditionally had very high levels of injury and fatality, and recently significant concerns around mental wellbeing. We should be doing everything we can across our industry to make it a safe and comfortable environment, for people working and for people visiting.”
She added: “This is more than just a gender issue. It is about making sure everyone, regardless of their shape, race, religious background or gender, has access to the right equipment and clothing that allows them to do their job well and safely."
Rhys Jones spearheaded the launch of CIOB’s #PPEthatfits campaign last year, which has highlighted the concerning lack of inclusive PPE in construction.
As part of the campaign, CIOB launched a directory which lists companies that currently provide inclusive PPE.