McLaughlin & Harvey kicks off workforce wellbeing programme
The YouMatter programme aims to support better health, safety and wellbeing across the workforce and wider supply chain
Contractor McLaughlin & Harvey is launching its annual health, safety and wellbeing roadshow for 2024.
As part of the awareness campaign, the YouMatter bus tour encourages McLaughlin & Harvey’s workforce and supply chain to prioritise health, safety and wellbeing.
Every summer, the tour provides the opportunity for health screenings which include a blood pressure check, body fat percentage, metabolic age/rate, body mass index, cholesterol check, and glucose tests.
In addition, advice on healthy eating and stress reduction is also available.
Commenting on the campaign and roadshow, Alastair Lambe, group SHEQ director at McLaughlin & Harvey, said 27 sites were visited in 2023, while 867 participants engaged with the roadshow, and occupational health professionals carried out a total of 723 occupational health appointments.
“This year, we plan to extend the tour from two weeks to offer more than 1,500 participants the opportunity to attend,” added Lambe.
“It’s not just the Roadshow that’s grown, The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity has helped us to train 136 mental health first aiders, whose details are hosted online and on site noticeboards.
“We’ve expanded the YouMatter programme to include more aspects of wellbeing; redeveloped our YouMatter website to provide our supply chain, and the wider industry, with a modern hub to access information and support; and launched an awards programme that recognises and rewards health and safety and environment excellence on our project sites.”