BSI announces public consultation for inclusive PPE standard
Call for feedback on draft standard that aims to improve the provision of PPE across all sectors, including the built environment
The British Standards Institution (BSI) has announced a public consultation which will allow stakeholders to review and provide feedback on its draft standard for inclusive PPE.
Through this process, BSI hopes to ensure the standard is relevant, clear and technically accurate, ultimately promoting equitable access to safety clothing and equipment.
The publication of the standard will help support organisations or individuals involved with the purchase, provision or use of PPE.
The public consultation process will be open to any stakeholders, including end users and technical experts, who want to provide feedback on the draft standard.
The consultation period is expected to run from 28 February until 13 May.
Cross-sector collaboration
The BSI committee began drafting the standard in 2024, following the launch of CIOB’s #PPEthatfits campaign.
Launched in 2023, the campaign aims to help address inequalities in the provision of PPE across the construction industry.
Over a six-month period, BSI has engaged with more than 30 individuals, including end users, health and safety professionals and manufacturers, to discuss and draft the proposed PPE standard.
Natalie Wilson, chair of BSI’s drafting panel for the new standard, said a key part of the process has involved establishing an agreed definition for inclusive PPE.
She said: “Inclusive PPE, for us, is PPE that is designed, manufactured and selected to provide equity of access to and provision of correctly fitting PPE for all wearers.
“[The PPE should provide] the required levels of personal protection without creating an obvious point of difference between wearers or inadvertently creating secondary risks or hazards, including trips, falls and snagging.”
Valuable feedback
Following the public consultation period, all feedback will be collated into a single document and reviewed by a panel.
Sarah Gibbs, standards development manager at BSI, said: “Input [from stakeholders during the public commenting stage] is so important. It helps us shape better and more effective standards.
“We ask that you read the draft carefully and focus on areas where improvements are needed, using clear and specific language.”
To provide feedback when the consultation opens, visit the BSI Standards Development portal and search for BS 30417 in the public comments section.
For more information about the #PPEthatfits campaign and CIOB’s global directory of inclusive PPE suppliers, visit ppethatfits.com.